Albany Composts
Albany Recycles
Albany Resuses


The City of Albany, with help from the Radix Ecological Sustainability Center, is excited to offer three new options to the City of Albany residents to help them dispose of organic waste in a responsible and beneficial way so that it doesn’t end up in the trash. 


Separating your organic waste and composting it instead of throwing it in the trash is the right thing to do. By providing the tools necessary to compost at home, drop your organic waste off, or have it picked up we believe that as a city we can reduce our overall waste and, in the process, improve our community and our environment. 

Backyard Composting

"Do it Yourself"

Residents who choose

backyard composting will be provided with:



  1. A personal composting bin to use in their backyard.
  2. A “food scraps” bin to collect discarded food waste from the kitchen.
  3. Wood chips to help the compost pile stay healthy and productive.
  4. Informational materials on how to effectively compost in their backyard.

**This option is for City of Albany residents only!

Albany residents who are interested in this option will be required to watch a video and take a simple quiz that will teach them what should and shouldn’t go in the backyard compost bin.


Food Waste Drop Off

"Let Me Help"

The City of Albany is excited to offer residents the opportunity to drop off their kitchen scraps at two designated locations.


The City of Albany will provide residents who wish to drop off food waste a “food scraps” bin to collect discarded food waste from the kitchen.

**This option is for City of Albany residents only!

 Radix Ecological Sustainability Center

Located at: 153 Grand Street

corner of Grand Street & Warren Street

Phone: (518) 605-3256


Friends of Tivoli Preserve

Located at: 76 Wilkins Avenue

Corner of Beverly & Wilkins Avenue


At each site you will find a City of Albany drop-off location sign. These signs will lay out the details of the program including how to dump your kitchen scraps into the collection bins, as well as a reminder of what should and shouldn’t go in the bins.

Full Service Composting

"Do it for Me"

The City of Albany has partnered with several full-service food waste composting services to provide free pick-up receptacles.


Residents will only be required to pay a small monthly fee to have their kitchen food scraps picked up hassle-free.


Just Place them in your kitchen scraps bin andplace them in your kitchen scraps bin and out at your door on designated pick-up days. The food scraps will be transported to different locations within the City to be processed and turned into compost.