Albany Composts
Albany Recycles
Albany Resuses


Holiday Re-Use & Recycling


Recycle CLEAN aluminum foil roasting pans and pie tins.

Please give aluminum pans and tins a good wash and scrub with warm soapy water to remove excess grease and food debris. If the grease and food debris cannot be removed please discard them in the trash.

Food & Veggies

Compost Holiday meal food scraps in your backyard.

Unused leftovers from many holiday dishes can be composted. If you have a backyard compost bin or pile you can make them useful. Cranberry sauce, roasted vegetables, candied yams, green beans, latkes and stuffing (dairy/meat free) are some examples of compostable Holiday staples.

Plastic Fork & Knife

Avoid single use plates, napkins and cutlery.

Better for your bank account & the environment. Almost 100% of these items end up in the landfill or worse, in our waterways and natural landscapes. Endeavor to have a low impact during the Holidays and refuse single use items.

Christmas Wreath

Real Christmas trees & wreaths CAN be composted.

Remove decorations, tinsel, lights, and metal wire ties etc. Place your tree(s) and wreath(s)

curbside on your regular set out night.

Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights Can be Recycled.

Christmas Lights can be recycled however not be placed in the recycling bin.

The following places accept Christmas Lights.

In Person Recycling
Mail-in Options:

Green Bow

Wrapping paper & holiday cards containing glitter, tinsel

or metallic coatings are not recyclable.

Please avoid these items if possible. Otherwise just discard them in the regular trash. Plain wrapping paper & holiday cards CAN be recycled.

Carboard Box

Boxes & grey board CAN be recycled but tissue paper CANNOT.

Boxes & greyboard are recyclable however tissue paper is not. Boxes can be placed in the recycling bin Tissue paper should be placed in the trash.


Avoid single use plastic dreidels.

If possible purchase dreidels made from renewable resources such as wood and/or opt for dreidels that will last for several years such as those made from metal.

Yellow Bow

Cellophane, ribbons & bows CANNOT be recycled.

Unfortuntely the material used to make these products cannot be recycled. Please place these item in your trash.

Wine Glasses

Use re-usable stemware & cups over single use plastic ones.

Ringing in the New Years with a toast? Single use plastic cups and stemware are not recyclable. Stick to

re-usable. A responsible way to start off the New Year!

At sign

Use digital invitations instead of paper.

Although plain paper invitations and cards are recyclable it is always best to “reduce” the amount of waste we create. Instead of sending paper that will be discarded right away try a digital invite instead. If you do use paper invitations please be sure to recycle them after use.

Happy New Year

Use decorations that say “Happy New Year” without a specific year.

That way you can reuse them next year. “Happy New Year” decorations can be purchased in stores and online. Also try creating DIY decorations from repurposed fabrics or other items that would otherwise end up in the trash.

Make a New Year's Resolution to

Recycle More Waste Less